So, we got our portable greenhouses built and we were given 4 hens and a rooster. Now we can relax and let the chickens do the work of enriching our garden plot all winter!

So far we’ve named the rooster George and one of the black hens Patience. They seem to like their new digs and they sure are conditioning the soil!

I love just watching them, however they are too close to the house and will be moved come Spring! Love that the houses are portable.

Our cat June isn’t quite sure about them yet, she keeps an eye on them when she’s in the coop with them, but they don’t seem to notice her at all.

We got the plans for the hoop houses at our local extension office. The “class” or demonstration was $5 and we got the plans, “Build a $1,500 Portable Greenhouse or Garden Shed for $150”. It was pretty simple. To watch a how-to click TexasPrepper2 and watch it on his YouTube channel.

We’ll also be able to use one of the house for veggie starts this Spring. I really need to get an earlier start than I did this year!