More happily married than a couple should be allowed to be.

Some might call us homebodies. But it doesn’t take much to get us to take a road trip. If it’s old we love it. We “brake” for historical markers. Always looking for the Mom & Pop eateries in any town. Motels not Hotels. Buying and sending postcards is one of LeiLei’s favorite things to do while traveling. Randy collects maps, he is the navigator/map reader – “turn here…we gotta see this”, half of our duo!

We discovered genealogy on the Internet in 2002, my Aunt Joan has been “doing genealogy” the old school way for 20+ years. She has so much information and just has the most interesting stories…and we could sit and listen to them for days on end, and have, and we have only touched the tip of the iceberg! So, with this “internet journal” we hope to save for prosperity the stories of the past so our children, grandchildren and on into the future, will know what we were like and maybe get a flavor of the times we lived in.
We decided to do this blog for many reasons; I have been urged, by those who love to hear me blather, or at least tell me they do, and my own desire to write down my life’s story, and this has turned out to be such an easy venue to do just that. I have always loved hearing stories from the past. I wish that I had all the stories, from both sides of my family, Aunt Joan has so many and has written a lot of them down in her genealogy books. I got my mom to write some of her stories down, I will be adding those as time permits. I hope that our descendants find this “journal” interesting, so that if they ever want to know who their grandparents and ancestors were, they won’t have to search the internet for their past.

Links to our Genealogy pages:

Our Family History Blog:
Our Family Tree: